Canton Food Bank - Donations for the Canton Food Bank are being collected in Case Hall.

Prayer Shawls - Knitters meet monthly to complete various projects, including prayer shawls which are donated to local hospitals and hospice care, and knit caps for newborns.

In-Stitches - A group of sewers meets monthly. Projects have included quilts for Ukraine and Project Linus, sustainable sanitary kits for Ghana, masks during the COVID epidemic, and items to sell at our Strawberry Festival in June.

Tuesday Morning Work Group - Men who meet weekly to socialize and support each other while working on church maintenance projects.

Angels with Toolbelts: An ad hoc team of caring individuals who use their construction skills for limited projects that help older congregants continue to live safely in their homes.

North Canton Community Playgroup Mondays:  From 10:00 to 11:30 AM - Open to caregivers, parents and children from Canton & the surrounding community. An informal gathering of caregivers and children with the intent to provide a safe place to socialize, play, and have a cup of coffee for adults. Parents and caregivers are invited to bring their young children (ages up to 4 years) and are expected to stay with their child/ren.

Children are always welcome visitors to our church. If there is not a Sunday School class on a given day, there are books, crayons and coloring pages available in the sanctuary for busy children!

Nursery Care is available as needed on Sunday morning during the worship service.

The Canton Land Trust maintains an office in our building.

We proudly support their good works!

The Mission of the Canton Land Conservation Trust is to acquire, preserve, and protect land of scenic, natural or historic value within the Town of Canton; to maintain this land and its plant and animal life using the best conservation, wildlife habitat, and forestry practices available; and to promote public awareness, understanding, and enjoyment of the land.

Prayer Line

Send your request for prayers to the NCCUMC Prayer Line. They can be requests for a friend or family member, the community, the greater church, the country, or all of creation. Our dedicated prayer team will incorporate your joys and concerns into their daily prayers. To submit a prayer request, email:

Grandma’s Attic Tag & Bake Sales

Grandma’s Attic actually resides in the basement of our church. It consists of several rooms full of treasures! We open it up several times a year to sell the donated items to people in our community. When Grandma’s Attic is open, we also have a Bake Sale full of goodies baked by church members.

Clothing Shed

St. Pauly Textile Inc. is a Western NY based, family owned for-profit company and an A+ member of the Better Business Bureau. Our goal is to get USEABLE clothing to people who can use it, here in the U.S. and in developing countries, while having a meaningful impact in our local communities. 

Behind our church, in the parking lot, is a clothing collection shed. We encourage our community to recycle/reuse no longer wanted clothing items here. Proceeds from these donations support the missions of our church, and your donations make a meaninful impact on the lives of people in the US and in developing countries

What to Drop-off

Used Clothing, shoes, sneakers, belts, purses, linens, pillowcases, blankets, curtains, and stuffed animals.

Please place all donations in tied plastic bags!

What Not to Drop-off:

 Furniture, electronics, household items, books, toys, garbage, pillows, rags, and fabric scraps.

How this works:

Community members drop off clothing at the clothing shed.

St. Pauly Textile, Inc. purchases the clothing from us. We use the money to support our missions and community projects. St Pauly sells and distribute the clothing that they purchase all over the US and world to organizations such as foreign governments, relief organizations, the U.N., private companies and the U.S. government.

This is the most cost effective way for these organizations around the globe to get large quantities of clothing for people in communities that they represent. All clothing is sold for pennies on the pound by St. Pauly Textile, Inc., in large quantities at a time.

Why St. Pauly Textile Inc. collects clothing:

 1) According to the EPA, 85% of clothing in the U.S. is thrown away. This means that only about 15% of clothing that could potentially be re-used is collected using existing methods.

 2) There is an enormous global need for used clothing. We are able to distribute clothing to organizations and people all over the world who could use it. All of the clothing and textiles that we collect is used by someone somewhere.