e="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;">George Bernard Shaw said “…my life belongs to the community, and as long as 
I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can.”

We consider YOU a part of this church community, whether as a member or a
friend, and we can use your help. Please consider serving on one (or more) of
the activities listed below. Add your name to the sign- up sheets in Fellowship Hall.

Grandma’s Attic – Tag Sale lovers, this is for you.
Dining Room – Youth….We need youth to be our wait staff.
Cashiers for the Dining Room – Meet and greet the people.
Kitchen – Where it all happens (plus you get to eat the not-so perfect biscuits).
Berry Choppers on Festival morning - Can’t start the Festival till all the hulled berries
are chopped.
Plants – Garden enthusiasts, this is where you want to be.
Children’s Activities – Fun area to work. A few games and/or crafts for little ones.
Silent Auction – Outside under a tent. Help price and set up the auction items.
Bake Table – Work at the table (in the dining room). Also need bakers!
Burger Booth – Our Men’s Group oversees this activity. See Fred Swan to assist.
Hulling Strawberries on Friday evening – Fun family activity. Stay an hour or stay till
we hold up the last strawberry.

“Never done it before” – Don’t worry, we have “pros” who will help you all along the way.

“Too new” – Nonsense, you won’t be left on your own.

“Don’t know what to do” – We have experienced people who are more than willing to
give you guidance and support.

Please contact me at 860-307-4611 or at, if you have
any questions. Hope to hear from YOU soon!

Mary Brevigleiri
2014 Chairperson
Strawberry Festival Committee


Are you looking for a home for decent stuff that is too good to be thrown away?!

Look no further than Grandma’s Attic!

As you clean out your garage, basement, attic, and closets this spring, and find items that
you no longer need, please consider donating them to Grandma’s Attic. We are now
collecting items for our sale during the Strawberry Festival on June 15th. We are especially
looking for furniture, such as small wooden tables and chairs, along with tools, books,
jewelry, and other household items. (Please, no computers or clothing, and only working
appliances). Clean, recyclable items are welcomed!

DEADLINE for donations is Saturday, June 8


Hear ye, Hear ye,

Strawberry Festival and the Silent Auction are only a few weeks away and we are looking for donations.

Donating to the silent auction is a great way to be involved and no cooking required!

Ask the businesses where you shop if they would donate, you can purchase an item and donate
it yourself, or search for antiques or collectibles too valuable for Grandma’s Attic that you want
to donate. Some suggestions:

Artwork * Jewelry *Themed Gift Baskets * Lamps * Furniture * Children’s Games and Toys *
Bicycles * Equipment or Lessons for Golf *Fishing * Boating * Hiking * Skiing * Knitting *
Scrap Booking or Sewing * Gourmet Foods or Restaurant Gift Certificates *
Private Home Dinners *Vouchers for Yard Work or Garden Clean Ups *

Get Creative and watch the bidding begin!

Have an idea you’re not sure about? Call Laurie Bourque at 860-693-9253 for help!